The following is an attempt to improve communication between the judges of our breed, and the people who show under them. 

1.) Are you an active breeder of German Shepherd Dogs? Do you have a kennel name ? 

      Yes. Forest Knoll Shepherds

2.) How long have you been in the breed? When and how did you get started? Are you affiliated with any clubs? 

33 Years. Was in the Marines overseas and brought home and English Import. Yes, GSDC of St. Louis & GSDCA

3.) How long have you been judging the breed? 

 6 Years.

4.) How many times a year do you judge German Shepherds? 

 3 to 4 times.

5.) Over the last 2 years has the number of shows? 

About the same About the same
No answer

6.) Have you ever judged the National Specialty? If yes, when and what classes ? 

 No, but I feel it would be a great honor to judge there.

7.) Do you judge at both all-breeds and specialties, which do you prefer ? 

     No preference.

    a) do you judge at both all-breeds and specialties ? Yes
    b) would you judged at both all breeds and specialties Yes
    c) please elaborate on and explain your answers to 7, 7a and 7b.

    I enjoy judging the breed no matter which ring I am in.

    d) If you indicated a preference for Specialty assignments, would you consider doing German Shepherd Dogs at an all-breed if you were given a large ring, the entry was supported by a specialty club and the show was on the same weekend as a nearby specialty or specialty circuit ? Please elaborate.N/A

8.) Do you have a color preference? 

 No Preference.

a) Would the color of a dog influence your judgment? No.

b) Do you find it harder to judge solid blacks ? No.

9.) What importance do you place on condition of plush versus smooth coat? Please explain. 

 No preference

10.) When judging the dog do you also judge the handler? Please elaborate if possible. 


When I'm in the middle of the ring I am there to judge the dogs, not the person on the end of the lead.

11.) What importance do you place on missing teeth? 

 Very Important

12.) How do you see bites today? 

 Good, but am starting to see a few even bites.

13.) How do you see strength of ears? 


14.) Do you feel the GSD's temperament has improved over the past 5 years? 


15.) Do you consider temperament today to be? Please explain. 


16.) Do you prefer a dog to be shown on a loose lead? 


17.) How would you rate the following in sequence of importance? (On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest).

Coming and going 
Side Gait 10
Temperament  8
Teeth  7
Coat  5
Pasterns, hocks, feet  6
Pigment  4
Structure  9
Shoulder and reach  10

Attitude 8

You cannot have good side gait if you do not have shoulder and reach, attitude and good temperament go hand in hand.

18.) Could you briefly describe your ring procedure, and any changes you may incorporate between a small Vs large class 

Dogs go around first as a whole. Loose lead temperament test on all. Each ones individual. If class is large I will split class to CO-inside with ring.

19.) Do you think there should be an age limit in placing points on a dog (i.e.dogs and bitches under 12 months of age)? 


20.) If a dog is not exactly to the standard in size, would you prefer slightly larger or smaller? 


21.) Do you think on average German Shepherd Dogs are too extreme? 


22.) In your opinion should double handling be allowed? 

Yes and No.
Sometimes the doubler ruins the dogs because of over doubling.

23.) Should all select dogs, in your opinion, be OFA (H&E)? 

 No Answer

24.) When making the final selection, does the dog with the most front reach usually win the class? 

 No. The dog with the total package should win the class.

25.) Do you feel more emphasis should be put on the total package, and less on movement? 


26.) Do you think the German Shepherd Dog standard should be changed? 

 No answer

27.) Do you think there should be any changes in any of the existing rules concerning dog shows? If so, please elaborate 


28.) Is there a dog, whether alive now or not, who to you typifies most closely the "ideal" German Shepherd Dog ? If yes, please explain and give details 

Yes. G. V. Ch. Lance of Fran-Jo, R.O.M. This to me was a Total Package. 100% Male. And a great producer. He put movement on all and produced many better than himself.

29.) Do you feel that in general the quality of the breed in this country is getting better or worse ? Please elaborate 

Better. I feel that all breeds have their ups and downs but I feel shepherds are continuing to get better.

30.) Do you have a pet peeve about anything owners or handlers do concerning the showing of dogs ? 

I believe there is to much put on a dog going 100 miles an hour around the ring. A dog with all its parts in the right place will float around the ring at any speed.

31.) Do you have any suggestions for owners or handlers regarding anything they should ALWAYS do when showing under you ? 

Just listen to what I want there dogs to do. Show me there Total Package.

32.) Do you have any suggestions for owners or handlers regarding anything they should NEVER do when showing under you ? 

 No missing teeth or bad temperament.

33.) Do you have any advice for people who are relatively new to showing and/or breeding? 

Read a lot of books on the breed, view shows whenever
possible and talk to breeders when possible.

34.) Is there anything else you would like to say about judging or about the German Shepherd breed today ? If so, please feel free to say it here 

I feel it is an honor (not a right) to judge the breed I have always loved. The German Shepherd dog is the finest breed in my book.

35.) Have you ever judged one the of the greats? If so, can you give a rundown of this dog for the people who have not had the privilege to even see it. 

I have had the honor of Judging both Sel. Ch. Hi Cliff's Hi Hopes and Sel. Ch. Jagan's Belle Star. Thank goodness not at the same time. These to gals to me are what the breed is all about. Both a Total Package and BEAUTY IN MOTION!

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